Our Mission
Every year, 2.6 million infants die globally before turning one month old, and every year, 10 million children die before their fifth birthday (UNICEF 2019). Sadly we are failing the world’s youngest citizens because more than 80% of these deaths are preventable.
Rephaiah is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, to be located in Thyolo, an industrial park near Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) just outside Blantyre, the old capital of Malawi. It focuses on manufacturing medicine to treat neglected diseases in children under the age of 5 years, as well as diseases that are poorly treated such as epilepsy, etc. And at the same time, to work with Malawians in producing life-saving and life-enhancing drugs for infants, young children and maternal health.
This project is spearheaded by Hananja plc, a small family owned Icelandic pharmaceutical research and development company. Hananja plc. focuses on drug discovery, drug delivery, and the development of innovative drug treatments.
In late July 2022, Hananja plc and Kamuzu University of Health Sciences agreed to partner together to achieve this goal, and in 2024 the Ministry of Health of Malawi (MoH) joined the partnership. In January 2025, following organizations participated in the Kick-off meeting, held in Blantyre: Ministry of Health of Malawi, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Press Corporation, Old Mutual and Hananja plc.

Why Malawi?
We at Rephaiah aim to reach our mission throughout sub-Saharan Africa with our products, but Malawi was chosen as the site for manufacturing because:
Malawi is a peaceful society that has not been in a war with its neighbors, nor has it had problems with domestic violence. Its estimated population in 2021 was 19.7 million making Malawi one of the most densely populated country in Africa.
Malawi is among the poorest countries in the world, ranking number 172 out of 189 according to the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2019, and in 2020 it ranks number 152 out of 180 according to the Economic Freedom. The minimal monthly wages are about 33-50,000 MWK which is equivalent to approx. 20-30 USD or less than 1 USD per day. More than half of the country lives below the poverty line, and in 2020 the average annual wages were between 100 and 200 USD per year, or 8 to 17 USD a month.
Malawi is struggling with many aspects of basic human needs, such as health, education, and food security. Various challenges face the country, including a lack of resources, which makes it dependent on international development assistance.
We want to do our part in aiding in a field where we are qualified to do so, that is, the area of pharmaceutics.
Our Story
Founded in 2001, Hananja plc. is a small family-run R&D biotechnology company located in Iceland. It is involved in the development of new drugs and vaccines with its core focus on rescue, life-saving, and life-enhancing drugs, as well as drugs to treat maternal and fetal health.
Hananja began working on the Rephaiah project in August 2016, following a vision. Since then, the focus has been on planning, preparation, and raising necessary funding and means.
Hananja has sponsored the cost involved in this preparation phase until today (February 2025).
Hananja plc has found perfect partners to work with in Malawi, the Ministry of Health of Malawi (the Government of Malawi), Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), Press Corporation (PC) and Old Mutual (OM). Hananja, MoH, MUST, PC and OM share common values, and together we have the expertise to set our goal on Malawians manufacturing medicines for both a national and international market.
The Plan
Our aim is to construct the factory, in Thyolo in an industrial and science park where MUST is located, about 30 min from Blantyre. Our preliminary office is in the Kameza area, close to the international airport (Chileka International Airport). This location allows easy access to freight goods using railway from the Nacala port in Mozambique to Thyolo. Rephaiah's land will be about 1.2 km from the train station. This location will also secure good access to water, electricity, and high-speed internet.
The conceptual drawing has been designed by Mr. Paul Uzereau, a Chicago-based architect and engineer, specialized in constructing pharmaceutical plants. The Malawian architect is Mrs. Heather Musasa Mbiri. Mrs. Mbiri is an expert in pharmaceutical requirements (GMP) and international standards, as well as green architecture.
In addition, to focus on green building and environmental issues in collaboration with UNDP (United Nations Development Program), the company focuses on equality such as equal gender, equality with respect to disabilities, race, etc.

"Leave no one behind"
United Nations
Rephaiah is a member of UN Global Compact, focusing on the aspects that are important for future generations such as carbon footprint, waste management, water, pure energy, green chemistry as well as being paperless and green buildings.
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